Rivera Ardis Character Design

JennethArtwork, Design, WritingLeave a Comment

In my Advanced Digital Graphics class, we had to break out of our graphic design comfort zones and focus more on creating our own graphics to amplify our skillsets. One of our projects required us to do a character design or portrait, so I decided to draw my main character from my novel. While it’s not particularly my favorite digital painting ever, it taught me a lot about warm light and cool shadows, perspective, and drawing a character within a setting (something I’m pretty terrible at), so this was a really enjoyable project. I got a B+ on this project.

VBS 2019 Campaign

JennethArtwork, DesignLeave a Comment

I was able to help with my church’s Vacation Bible School program this summer by creating the graphics, artwork, t-shirts, door hangers, flyers, and banners.

The Drawing Journey

JennethArtworkLeave a Comment

Lots of people say they “can’t even draw stick figures,” but drawing isn’t *just* a God-given talent. It takes practice to get good.