Blood Drive Highlight Video (Pensacola Christian College)

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While working in the video advertising department at PCC, I got a chance to create the highlight promotional video for this semester’s blood drive. This year’s would be extra tricky, since we had to be extra conscious of social distancing and other COVID mandates, and that we not show anything that would contradict the policies the college had set in place. This year I wanted to go against the norm and make the blood drive look more “fun” than “inspirational.” In the past, the blood drive videos often had slow, thoughtful music with careful camera angles. Instead, I wanted to capitalize on any happiness I could scrounge up during this depressing COVID-y year, so I picked a happy song and focused on as much smiling and joy as possible. [youtube]

Christmas Lights 2020 (Pensacola Christian College)

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Due to the pandemic, PCC couldn’t have their annual Christmas Lights celebration, so our video team was tasked to create a series of music videos similar to the Mary Did You Know music video I helped with several years ago. I was able to help on the set of a number of these music videos as a PA, keeping track of each scene, helping set up and tear down equipment, prepping the set, and creating lights and effects during filming. [youtube]

Magic of the Real Kinetic Type Video

JennethDesign, Professional Videos, Videos, Writing2 Comments

[youtube] Last summer I was able to attend the Realm Makers virtual conference, where author ND Wilson was the opening keynote speaker. His perspective on the fantasy genre and the Christian author’s role was game-changing to me, and it really left me with a new perspective on God’s creation and fantastic storytelling throughout history. Wilson believes that we live in “God’s fantasy novel,” in that, God’s creation and history is fantastic, and is the origin for all fantasy fiction (Marvel comics inspired by the Book of Judges, for example). In the original keynote, Wilson echoed some of JRR Tolkien’s and CS Lewis’s beliefs on the fantasy genre, and charged his audience to live in God’s novel as a character they would want to read about. Since a lot of his points stuck with me and other conference attendees, I wanted to adapt his talk into a short video that explained his view on fantasy, informing them of a new and unique way to see God and storytelling.

Short Film: There Is A Cause (Missions Conference at Campus Church)

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At Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College, Pastor Jeff Redlin invited the church and student body to create a video to kick off the yearly missions conference. This year’s theme was “Is there not a cause?” and the video had to somehow demonstrate the very urgent need to share the Gospel with the lost around us. While this project is certainly far from perfect, we wanted to make a film that focused entirely on our message. We feared that scripts, amateur acting, and low-budget sound quality would distract from that, so we modeled our video after Pixar’s short films: no speaking, all audio and visuals to create the best emotions. Our video was shown in front of the congregation at the beginning of the conference, but not without miracle after miracle happening first. From CJ Murray being willing to write the original score, to Mrs. Frank opening her house at the very last minute, to the exact amount of inspiration striking us all at the right time, to even the perfect words for the final scene to pop into my head. God was through this entire project, and it was a joy to produce it with friends cheering us on. … Read More

Eagle Mania 2019 Promo

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I was able to create this highlight video for PCC’s Eagle Mania: a pep rally that kicks off much of the sports season every year. I’d always wanted to edit one of these events, but as a student worker, my work schedules were always shifting and changing, but this year I finally was able to put one together. I ended up being really satisfied with it. [youtube]

“Fire Writing” Wins ADDY Award and Commencement Contest

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This year has been a crazy rollercoaster of responsibility and opportunity. I’m just now recovering from what’s been the busiest school year of my life. First on the To-Do List… My studio art roommate urged me to participate in the local ADDY Awards this year with her. She suggested I submit the video spot I did on Josiah Vogel and his pyrography, so I grit my teeth together and paid the entry fee, hoping I wasn’t going to have to eat Ramen the next six months for nothing (kidding, guys, kidding. I only eat Ramen…often…ish….) So this spring when the awards were announced, my roommate and I eagerly looked through the winners’ names, slightly disappointed we couldn’t find our names. We shrugged as we put my laptop aside, trying not to let each other know how disappointed we were. Then the next day my classmate congratulated me. “For what?” I asked, slightly bewildered as I gathered my things to leave after the bell. My mind ran through the things she could possible be referring to, but none of the options seemed big enough to warrant a congratulations. “Your ADDY Award,” she explained, the slightly flicker of doubt crossing her bright … Read More

Eagle Pride Tailgate 2018

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I was able to help produce this event highlight for Pensacola Christian College’s Eagle Tailgate party. While I didn’t do the edit on this one, I took a large number of the camera shots that were used. [youtube]