Dyslexic, Not Disabled: An Infographic About Dyslexia

JennethProfessional Videos, Videos2 Comments

I grew up having dyslexia, and as a result, I struggled reading simple words like “cat” because of the dozens of spelling variations that came with it. Though, while I struggled, my mom read every book she could find on the so-called disability and helped me understand that it wasn’t as hindering as people make it out to be. Now I study professional writing in college and hope to publish my own novel one day.

What’s your dyslexia story?

If you haven’t already, check out my dyslexia informative essay I wrote that inspired this cartoon.

This video was created for my Digital Multimedia Productions class. The goal was to create a one minute kinetic typography video in After Effects explaining a complex topic.

I gained research from my all-time favorite dyslexic experts, Ronald D. Davis, who wrote the book The Gift of Dyslexia. A dyslexic himself and considered autistic, Davis was nonetheless a genius and practically the one who discovered what dyslexia truly is and how to use it to our advantage. Everyone who is either dyslexic or has a child who’s dyslexic should buy a copy of his book!

This video also one an Excellence Award for my college’s commencement contest.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXIATGs7pL8&w=560&h=315]

2 Comments on “Dyslexic, Not Disabled: An Infographic About Dyslexia”

  1. Pingback: Dyslexia Ambigram Design | Jenneth Dyck

  2. Pingback: The Making of Dyslexic Scrabble | Jenneth Dyck

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