Best-selling author Robert Liparulo shares his writing secrets and tips for literary success.
Serving Meals and Blessings to Homeless (Profile: Vienna Connection)
The minivan comes to a stop in one of the few remaining parking spaces outside the Lamb Center in Fairfax. Seatbelts pop and side doors roll open as a handful of members from Antioch Christian Church climb out of the gray-green vehicle to help unload the back.
Fire Writing: The Hobby of Pyrography (Feat. Josiah Vogel)
Teenager creates online presence with YouTube (Profile Story)
This is the second of my packet stories. For my journalism class this semester, we had to write what our teacher called a “packet project.” A packet is a collection of different news stories on one broad topic. I chose my topic to focus on the impact of online videos, which was both fun and challenging. We had to write a feature story, profile, and an editorial, which took us about half a semester. For my profile story, I got to interview Kenneth Knight, a high school teenager who enjoys video editing and spent long hours building an online presence through YouTube. For my feature story, click here. For my editorial story, click here. Knight: “I liked YouTube because I could put up whatever I wanted and I also could get feedback from anyone in the world.” PENSACOLA. Fla. —It’s one in the morning with everything silent in the house save for a single voice coming deep from within a walk-in closet on the second floor. Inside the closet is set up like a studio, complete with cameras, a large desk and computer, and even sound panels mounted to the back wall. At the desk is a teenager known by YouTubers as KnightDukeGaming, … Read More