New film hobbies amongst young people have creative and educational benefits (Editorial)

JennethNews Articles, Writing3 Comments

For my journalism class this semester, we had to write what our teacher called a “packet project.” A packet is a collection of different news stories on one broad topic. I chose my topic to focus on the impact of online videos, which was both fun and challenging. We had to write a feature story, profile, and an editorial, which took us about half a semester. This is the last of my packet stories. For my editorial I got to interview high school filmmaker Elijah Perry, a founder of Coming in the Clouds Productions, who’s a YouTube friend of mine. Through our common ground of filming, we’ve gotten to know each other a little bit and hope to collaborate with one another in the future. For my feature story, click here. For my profile story, click here. Perry as his lead role in CITC’s short film, Paladin’s Conquest. PENSACOLA. Fla. —In the late ’80s, the average cost of a camcorder was about $1,500, according to Modern young people, however, have access to video and multimedia content wherever they turn. If a child or teen doesn’t have a smartphone, tablet, GoPro, or camcorder of his own, his parents or friends probably do. With the … Read More